Do you belong in the EMO genre? Emos came to be known as the sad kids, but there is more to it. They tend to be deeply introspective and reflective individuals who broadly embrace the wide range of emotions in them. They stand out as being the most genuine and sincere, regardless of where that takes them, pushing for the ability to be so. Like other genres here, while exploring and discovering themselves, they venture and dwell in darkness. They may mostly dress in black, or have at least some black by default, but are also likely to accentuate themselves with various colors, including vivid ones, that could as well express the moodiness that they so carry with them. Ultimately, though, they bring the courage to be vulnerable, reach into, and face the parts of ourselves that aren’t so pleasant or desirable.
BEWARE! A common pitfall is getting lost and sinking further into the pain and suffering that they personally experience or absorb from around them, at times becoming enamored with it and clinging to it at all costs.