Do you belong in the HORROR genre? Horrors came to be known as deranged, but there is more to it. While their intrigue for the horrible can be concerning, and their fascination with it more so, many are able to draw lines that stop them from becoming a monster while facing monstrosities, and may be turning to horror as a way to face their fears or even process unspeakable events that they happened to go through. They stand out as being unsettling and potentially alarming people who withstand the most unpleasant scenarios and may even be thrilled by the forbidden. Like other genres here, they are at risk of being declared insane and a danger to themselves and to society. They might be obvious, adorning themselves with a few motifs here and there, or they may hide in plain sight but still something could seem off about them. Ultimately, though, they bring the instinct to survive, no matter the odds and, at times, at any cost.
BEWARE! A common pitfall is succumbing to all the horrible things that have been witnessed and experienced, not seeing a light at the end of the tunnel and missing the brighter side of life, or internalizing and normalizing them to the point where they’re adopted as their form of operating.